Working together for a sustainable

Social justice now. Reversing environmental destruction. Measuring economic success differently.

Meliora is committed to helping individuals, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and charitable organizations make their first steps towards a more sustainable world.The United Nations has formulated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which we, as a global community, have a responsibility to attain for current and future generations of all life on Earth. We may not actively recognize it in our daily lives, but we are the current stewards of our planet. We have a collective responsibility to eradicate extreme poverty, inequality, and oppression, and to reverse the course of climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Ad meliora et ad maiora semper

We are activists in the truest sense of the word. We believe that only by taking action, no matter how large or small, can we make our one and only planet a cleaner, healthier, and happier place to live. Not just for humans, but for all life on Earth. As a news and analysis source, we aim to shine a light on global issues covered by the 17 SDGs that otherwise would receive little coverage. Challenges that are “hidden in plain sight”.As a digital consultancy business, we help organisations determine how their activities – either directly or indirectly – impact the environment and social justice. On a tactical level, we can recommend ways organisations can improve their digital activities to be less damaging to the global ecosystem and to avoid social injustice in the digital supply chain.We are also a philanthropic organization and our areas of specific interest can be found on our activism page.

Sustainability in a digital world